Swearing-In Ceremony for Judge-Elect Meng Lim

Swearing-In Ceremony for Judge-Elect Meng Lim
01/15/2015 2:00 PM
Location: The Supreme Court of Georgia, 40 Capitol Square, SW, 6th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30334

Registered attendees (155)

Date Name
12/28/2014 Provitt, Erik
12/26/2014 Williams, Carolyn
12/25/2014 Mitcham, Harry - plus 1 guest
12/24/2014 Davis, Della - plus 1 guest
12/22/2014 Davis, Karyl
12/22/2014 Thompson, Curt
12/20/2014 Heath, Bill
12/19/2014 Anonymous user
12/19/2014 Muth, Randy
12/18/2014 Anonymous user
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