SSF Lunch & Learn: Marketing Do's & Don'ts for Solo and Small Firms

  • 06/30/2021
  • 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM (EDT)
  • Zoom Link TBD


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Marketing Do's & Don'ts for

Solo & Small Firms

Wed., June 30, 2021 | 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST


Via Zoom & GAPABA Facebook Livestream

GAPABA SSF Lunch & Learn Series

Speaker: Heather Riggs, J.D.

Founder | Digital Marketing Expert

Atlanta Legal Marketing

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Join us for the 3rd installment of our SSF Lunch & Learn Series with Heather Riggs, Founder and Digital Marketing Expert at Atlanta Legal Marketing, on Marketing Do's and Don'ts for Small Firms. Topics will include creating your brand, reputation management, digital content creation, and much more! This event will be moderated by SSF Co-Chair Neeli Shah, founder of The Law Offices of Neeli Shah.


Attorney Heather Riggs has always had an enthusiasm for innovation in the legal industry. She has dedicated her career to helping fellow members of the profession plan, build, and drive their online marketing presence.

Heather was adopted, and she understood from an early age that an attorney made her adoption possible. This revelation inspired her calling to the legal field. After practicing in a small firm, she opened her own solo practice which focused on making families whole by matching loving parents with deserving children. During her years in practice Heather identified a disconnect between the lawyer’s capacity to effectively market and the public’s ability to understand and access legal services. Solving both problems at once, Heather founded Atlanta Legal Marketing.

Heather holds a Juris Doctorate degree from Atlanta’s John Marshall Law School and a Bachelor of Science degree from Clayton State University where she studied psychology, women’s studies, theater, and philosophy. Her coursework required study in twenty countries across six continents, including: England, Scotland, France, Greece, Portugal, Panama, Ecuador Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, China, Hong Kong, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Belgium, The Netherlands, Argentina, Malta, Cyprus, and Tanzania. 

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