The 8th Annual GAPABA Gala
Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022 | 6:00 - 9:00 PM
The Georgia Aquarium Oceans Ballroom
246 Ivan Allen, Jr. Blvd., NW, Atlanta, GA 30313
General Reception: 6:00 PM
(VIP Reception begins 5:30 PM)
Dinner & Awards Ceremony: 7:00 PM
Individual Tickets: $175
Gov't | Public Int | Student: $125

- Hemanth Digumarthi (Posthumous) - Past GAPABA President | Associate | Cruz & Associates | Judge Alvin T. Wong Pioneer Award
- Tony West - SVP, CLO & Corp. Secretary | Uber | General Counsel Diversity Champion
- Michael C. Wu - CLO & Corp. Secretary | Bath & Body Works | GAPABA Outstanding Leadership Award
- Hannah Kim - EVP, CLO, CCO & Corp. Secretary | Neiman Marcus Group | GAPABA Women's Leadership Award
- Amy B. Cheng - President-Elect | Atlanta Bar Association | Sr. Associate | Nelson Mullins | GAPABA Rising Star
Sponsorship Questions: Contact sponsors@gapaba.org
Billing/Invoicing Questions: Contact treasurer@gapaba.org
Registration Questions: Contact Registration@gapaba.org