GAPABA Community Service presents
Friday, Oct. 13 | 12 - 1:30 PM
Pursuing Special Immigrant Juvenile Status
Findings in State Court with

Hosted in Person at

(Tower Place 100) | LUNCH PROVIDED
CLE Hours/Attendance will be reported to the Georgia Bar.
Attendees pay their own CLE costs (only $4) directly to the Bar.
Program Description:
Each year, vulnerable migrants - including unaccompanied children and child victims of crime - arrive at our borders in search of refuge from abuse, abandonment, gang violence, assault, and other dangerous conditions. In recent years, this surge has been unprecedented as thousands of children arrive at the border every day. Many of these immigrant children soon find themselves in state care, juvenile court, or dependency proceedings. Without parents and often relying on the kindness of others, these children are particularly vulnerable and in need of representation.
Please join staff from KIND for an updated hour-long training on Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS) cases in Juvenile Court and Superior Court in Georgia. Learn the basics of filing the appropriate petition and seeking SIJS findings through the guardianship process. The training will cover eligibility, required forms, filing tips, and service requirements. 1 HR CLE approved only for the State Bar of Georgia (no other jurisdictions).
- An introduction to Special Immigrant Juvenile Status.
- Filing requirements before the Juvenile Court & Superior Court; and
- Cultural sensitivity, client interviewing techniques, and tools for interacting with child clients virtually.
Barnes & Thornburg is located in the Tower Place 100 building. When using maps or ride share, search for Tower Place 100. The main entrance of the building faces Tower Place Drive NE and sits directly across from the Courtyard by Marriott Atlanta Buckhead. There is a Parking Garage adjacent to the building on Tower Place Drive NE. Visitors may access the parking garage at Level B main entrance. Once you are inside the garage, follow the perimeter of the garage to Level B or C. Guests may park in any “visitor” space or any unmarked parking space on Level B, or any unmarked parking space on Level C (Towerwalk Breezeway is at this level).
Questions? Contact Ziwen Zhu commserv@gapaba.org